Winter-specific food and winter skincare – Winter means warmth and the proper nutrients for the tummy and your skin. Winters are a time for paying particular attention to merriment and kindness toward well-being.
Winter brings along the chance to enjoy the particular warmth and love all around. Jingling bells and prepping for the parties (and endless wedding invitations) demands you to be all-time ready to swing.
And that means your inner glow should be in a full-bright mode so that your outer shine is ready to dazzle the world. Everything that you feed your skin will reflect on the surface.
Winter requires extra effort and care from you. Careless mistakes and neglecting the needs of your well-being will not only lead to dullness and dryness but also rob you of a healthy mind and body.
So, rewinding a little, it is essential to realize that winter prep for your skin should begin at the earliest. The sooner you start focusing on winter skincare, the healthier and more glowing your skin will be.
Let’s dig into some of the essential care needed for the health and glow of your skin.
As much as your tummy is happy to savour all the delicious and freshly baked cakes and goodies, it is also vital that you give your skin the proper nutrients and make your skin happy. Caring the right way will ensure both the glow and vitality – of the mind and the soul.
Include these must-do winter skincare routines in your daily activities for glowing and nourished skin:
Whether cleansing just your face as a part of your skincare routine or cleansing your entire body during bathing, remember that a focused cleansing is a key to success. Winter skincare is complete with the right kind of cleansing.
For face cleansing, choose mild cleansers that do not dry your skin. In fact, if you can find one with a moisturizing base, it will be an added advantage, as it will moisturize in addition to cleaning.
Note: Do not cleanse your face more than two times a day during winter. Do not over-wash!
As for bathing, the correct method is to stick to lukewarm water instead of hot water. A warm bath is way better than a hot bath! The hotter the water is, the harsher it will be on your skin, robbing you of essential oils produced naturally by your skin.
Also, remember that a long hot shower (even if it sounds like a dream) isn’t advisable, as the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) points out. It is said that an ideal shower should last between 5 to 10 mins, and the water should be lukewarm or cooler (in summer). It will boost winter skincare as it will help maintain your natural essential oils.
Tip: Immediately moisturize after a warm bath to lock in moisture and keep your skin happy.
Well, there is no guesswork needed for this essential winter skincare! During winter, it is natural for your skin to lose its colour and become dull. In addition, there is always a possibility of winter sucking out the inner moisture and leaving you dry and craving some moisture. The more food your skin gets, the healthier (bouncier) and glowing it will be.
Thus, include moisturizing twice a day in your daily routine. It is best to moisturize after bathing during the day and before going to bed at night. This will ensure enough support for your skin to remain hydrated and healthy. It will save you from unnecessary itchiness and irritation.
People prone to dryness, flaky skin, or eczema must consult a dermatologist and opt for a recommended winter skincare moisturizer.
Important tip: Choose your moisturizer based on your skin type (dry, oily, mixed) to get the maximum benefit and keep your skin happy.
Things to include
Vitamin C: Winter skincare products, including Vitamin C, are a blessing for winter care. In addition to moisturizing, it will boost collagen, which will work toward skin brightening.
Lip care: Your lips dry out faster than your facial skin, so include a natural lip moisturizing balm to soothe and heal cracked lips.
Hands and feet care: While most of us watch out for winter skincare for our face, we often neglect our hands and feet, which are equally prone to dryness and dullness. Cover your hands and feet with an ample amount of moisturizer before leaving out and before going to bed so that they can maintain their moisture level and glow.
You can choose glycerine or heavy-duty products like petroleum jelly if you are prone to cracks and lines.
Elbows and ankles: Yes, they need extra care. So, scrub them every alternative day to exfoliate and moisturize them adequately (they need more food) to keep them healthy and hydrated. Remember to include it as part of your winter skincare.
During winter, most of us tend to skip drinking water and follow a disciplined routine. Unlike summers, our body doesn’t give many signals to drink water, and we end up drinking very little. But our skin needs as much water as possible to remain well hydrated. It not only keeps the skin happy and healthy from within but also combats the outside dryness (as winter air is a lot drier than summer). Also, since most of us do not have humidifiers at home, drinking the right amount of water will help balance the lack of moisture in the air.
Hydration is a vital part of winter skincare.
Lower water intake can directly result in skin dryness and dullness, and one can avoid it by including various fluids – water being the essential one. Also, it will help flush out the toxins that end up getting inside due to consuming processed foods and extra sugar during winter binging. It’s a bonus for overall winter skincare, as your skin will not break out or end up with rashes.
A healthy and nutritious diet can never go wrong in any season. Winters are a good time to indulge in seasonal fruits and vegetables like oranges, cabbages, cauliflowers, berries, and more. Include a diet rich in fruits, juices, salads, and soups. Focus on nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids, to keep the skin glowing and healthy – happy from within.
Tip: Avoid processed food as much as possible to keep your skin happy.
Read my blog on essential nutrients that must be included in your winter diet to help you focus on winter skincare and winter health.
General Tips
Here are some tips for you to follow, in addition to the above essential ones, for a happy winter skincare routine:
- Use sunscreen even if it’s dull and foggy outside. Remember, the sun doesn’t stop producing harmful UV rays during winter.
- Winter skin is delicate and prone to irritations. Avoid exposure to allergens that trigger your irritations, as they can add extra pressure on the skin.
- Choose suitable garments to protect against cold and keep your skin happy.
- Layer yourself well if you are prone to catching a cold.
Have a happy winter with the right winter skincare tips!
1 thought on “Winter skincare: 4 essential tips for happy and healthy skin”
Winter will be happy with these essential points. Keep writing and sharing. 🙂