Summer Skincare Tips: 5 Home Remedies for Quick Tan Removal

Skincare Tips

Yesterday I spent hours looking for my umbrella as the weather had decided to drastically change from “unpleasant hot” to “wouldn’t mind a light blanket on top” vibes.

I had to, after all, save myself from getting wet, as my tendencies of catching a cold and allergies have more chances of rising than my shamelessly depressing investment portfolio.

I do not have much use for the umbrella minus the rain, as I am one of those who find it very lazy and an unnecessary burden to carry an umbrella, even if it means getting tanned! And my, oh my, the tanning I get even from a “slightly peaking sun way behind the clouds” is way too much.

That’s where my issue lies- the tanning bothers me!



Tanning troubles?

Well, skin tanning is a menace that no human being is spared, and while for some it is not much of a headache (even though it should be), for many like me, it is a pestering issue that troubles a great deal. As much as it quickly comes into my life and makes me its best friend, tanning is an unnecessary addition that I find bothering and challenging to get rid of.  

Some of us head to the parlours for de-tanning, and I would not lie, I have done the same many a times; it’s hassle-free, and I can leave all the headache to someone else. But to be honest, it does pinch the pocket because for someone like me, who gets frequently tanned and tanned bad. It makes me sad to spend all those bucks getting my skin back to its usual tone.

Skincare and having happy skin are essential to me, and so is to ensure that I do not end up messing up my budget.

Saving money is a late but finally happening realization in my life, which now materialize too!

And so? I decided to go natural. 

As a result, not only did I find some effective ways to “de-tan,” but I also discovered that we do not even have to step out of the house to get back those layers of sun damage lessened.



Natural ingredients to the rescue

Here’s a list of some of my tried (on myself) and tested ways to get rid of the tan that I have lined up for you. They are also going to work towards building a “healthy from within” skin for you in the most hassle-free ways (I have ensured to list ingredients that are readily available at home):


Honey and Lemon juice

Probably one of the simplest and most effective ways to remove sun tan, lemon and honey work like magic on the skin to remove the layers of sun damage and give the skin that much-needed glow.

All you need to do is take the juice of 1 lemon, add one spoon of honey to it, apply it to your face and leave for half an hour. Wash off and pat dry before leaving it to rest for half an hour. 

Make sure to clean your face before applying the lemon and honey paste. 

Important tip: do not go out in the sun immediately after this ritual



Another effective ingredient to remove the tan instantly can be the use of potatoes. You can directly cut it into slices and apply on your face or blend it with water (cut the potatoes into small pieces), and once blended, strain the paste in order to separate the potato pulp from the potato juice. Apply the potato juice to your face and in both cases, leave it on for 20 minutes before washing it off with normal water. 

Pro tip: Do not forget to apply a light moisturizer after washing the face, as potato tends to dry out the face



One of the most hassle-free ingredients and readily available, tomatoes not only help in getting rid of tan easily but also brightens and add a glow to the skin.

You can either apply raw tomatoes, cut them into slices on your skin, or blend it with a spoonful of curd (either store-bought or homemade) and put the paste on your skin. In the case of raw tomatoes, leave the slices on for 20 minutes. In the case of the curd and tomato mixture, leave the paste on for 30 minutes before washing it off with normal water. 

Adjust the amount of the curd with the number of tomatoes you are using [1 tomato + 1 spoon of curd]

Tip: Wash your face with a non-drying face-wash before applying tomatoes onto the skin 


“I must admit, most of the time, I end up using tomatoes on my skin after a torture-some day in the sun. It has always added an instant brightness and made my skin feel soft, in addition to the de-tanning process.” – Saima Tanaaz


They say sandalwood possesses both magical and medicinal properties, reasons for which it has been widely used, through the ages, for various curing of ailments and rejuvenation purposes. With its cooling and healing properties blended with properties that infuse natural goodness into the skin, sandalwood paste can be effectively used for sun tan removal. 

Mix 2-3 spoonfuls of sandalwood powder (store brought or made at home) and add the required amount of rose water drops (available at any store) to create a thick paste. Make sure that the texture is thick and not runny or watery. Apply it over your face and leave it on for 20 minutes or until completely dry. Wash it off with water, and remember to apply a light moisturizer to the skin once done.  


Besan (gram flour), Milk, and Turmeric

While besan does not work much as an individual ingredient, mixed with milk and turmeric powder, it can work wonders. Clean your face well before applying the mixture, and when making the paste, use two spoons of besan, a pinch of turmeric, and the required amount of milk to create a thick paste. You can also use water instead of milk, but I have found milk to be more effective than water, as the drying out is lesser.

Remember to keep the paste semi-thick and immediately wash it off with lukewarm water once the skin starts to feel stretchy because of the dryness. Please do not keep it on for long as it could lead to the appearance of fine lines and dry patches.

Important reminder: Do not keep it for more than 15 minutes or once the paste has dried up and begun to break

Enjoy your way to happy skin!



5 thoughts on “Summer Skincare Tips: 5 Home Remedies for Quick Tan Removal”

    1. Your blog made me wonder that while all the time we keep running behind pricey products to stack up our shelves with, it’s our kitchen where we got most secrets of healthy-skin hidden! Loved this one Bloggess Ayesha!❤️

  1. Thank you for informing about the natural remedies. I am very much conscious about my skin and prefers natural application only. Will definitely try them and let know which turns out to be the best for my oily skin 😊

  2. This was very helpful! Please share some insightful tips on how to deal with confused skin! Looking forward to reading your next blog 😊

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