Why should I read this blog or the 5 books recommended?
Writing. A profession that all other professions have depended on at some time or the other. The demand curve for writers is thus still on the rise. In fact, according to one of the leading Labor Statistics Projects the need for writers will be growing by a minimum of 4% through the decade between 2021 till 2031. And that shall create a sharp vacancy of over 15,000 job openings for writers in the US each year!
On the other side of the coin, this study also revealed that the writers of tomorrow are today spending over 7000 to 40,000 dollars to master the art. And that is what prompted us to write this blog today directed at those writers who are ready to spend to learn the craft.
Wondering if this blog will suddenly take a turn towards some conversion link for some highly expensive course? Wait. Don’t contribute to our bounce rate now. Because courses & degrees are not what we are about to talk to you about.
Instead, it’s a knowledge source that is available to all of us. It’s nothing but books that we shall present to you, a list that can teach you much more than a few courses cumulatively. More integrally books that can form your foundation as a writer to begin a wordy career with!
So without much ado, let’s dive deep into this knowledge tour around five books that are the manual to becoming the writer you always wanted to be!
“Hey Whipple, Squeeze This” by Luke Sullivan
Who should read it: Visualisers, Conceptualisers, Marketeers
Being a consistently successful name in the content verse for the last 3 decades his experience at the world’s topmost marketing agencies as a mentor reflects in the finesse of delivery in this book. Bringing up advertising instances from times as old as the 60s this book records a chronologic framework of how ‘successful advertising has evolved and yet stayed connected by matter over the ages. Significantly enough the author also covers how to protect and preserve intellectual property built by writers and how to metamorphose it for use on social platforms. It’s an enlivening tour of how your future is going to look like if u persist in being a writer.
“Lost and Founder” by Rand Fishkin
Who should read it: Creative Founders and Entrepreneurs
Painfully convincing a name, isn’t it? The Start-Up setup structure that Fishkin takes his readers through in this book is the closest one can get to a start-up’s birth years, one that most marketers don’t talk about. It’s the alphabet book for any start-up founder who has just started the hustle with convincing content. From writing the basic-most pitches to developing pitch templates that can convert premium deals this book emphasizes highly the power of words in the life of a start-up founder, that too coming from someone who made them work, in reality.
So if you are strategizing content for start-ups this book is not to be missed this 2023.
“Predictably Irrational” by Dan Ariely
Who should read it: Copywriters, Orators, Conversion Specialists
If you plan to go a step deeper into understanding your consumer psychology then this one by Ariely is a book you should look forward to. His proficiency in economics and human behavior makes him a conversion expert in the present marketing arena. He documents the experience and research of his team to frame solutions to the pain points of marketers (we know how healing it sounds, when in between you all through thinking about a client’s pain points, someone addresses your pain points too!). Ariely presents to you some mind-boggling tests and their reports that will change how you think your clients think, once & for all!
“Killing Marketing” by Joe Pulizzi & Robert Rose
Who should read it: Gen X Marketeers, Branding agencies
When you write about something you are in love with, does it feel like an effort? This book must have been that much effortless for real-time content marketing lovers, Joe & Rose who believe the content to be an integral ‘brahmastra’ as a business strategy and not just a tool of convincing marketing. A journal that explains how to rise up from selling to marketing through value proposition. It’s more than a book, it’s a handmade manual to help a writer in his/her evolution journey.
“Ogilvy on Advertising” by David Ogilvy
Who should read it: Foundation builders on advertising, Advertising Interns
Those who know about this one must be wondering why walking backward in time with this book mentioned in the end, one that was published even before 90s. Well just like the Bible or Geeta never gets old, this holy grail for content marketers is something content marketers like you & I should swear by (If you haven’t yet already!) It is a book ushered in a genre of understanding why writing copies and not just content is integral to making what you write conversion-ready. So if you are looking for career advice standing in January 2023, no this book isn’t for you, but if you are looking for some career-building advice as a writer, own a copy of this book and don’t lose it.
Wrapping it up…
Remember as a child how we wanted to be heard, read, and felt for everything we did? A writer or shall we say a creator, does not really grow up. A creator thus still wants to be read and valued for what he/ she writes. So this blog was nothing but a directional piece of advice from BACC on how you can become a writer whose writing people will read. And here’s how…
“Read. If you want to be read.”
List in your hand, the calendar has started rolling, and the path of becoming a stellar writer is set.
Let’s start to walk together. Let’s sit to read.
1 thought on “5 of the Best Books on writing to start 2023 with!”
Enlightening post. I will definitely add them in my wishlist.